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Ezine Publishing Cafe [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
difference b/w EzEzine & AweberViews: 429
Apr 06, 2006 11:54 pm re: difference b/w EzEzine & Aweber

lisa micklin
Hi Dean,

Welcome to the cafe!

>My question is what is the basic difference b/w a content publisher and a email marketing service like Aweber?

EZezine makes the distinction based on content and list aquisition. Our ideal clients are publishers who are delivering content over promotions to their lists. And the lists are provably double opted-in. Our members have delivery as their number one priority, and we've put many systems in place to support this.

As such we don't provide some of the much sought after features of marketers such as click through tracking. We found that when we experimented with tracking features, our publishers would end up in junk bins and we were getting blacklisted.

So, we removed all features that trigger spam filters such as invisible graphics to track open rates, link tracking etc. and focused on providing the squeekiest clean delivery service out there. We also do not allow list imports, as we have found that most anti-spam legislation require proof of digital assent including date/time/ip data. On the few occasions that we have received abuse complaints or a temporary blacklisting status, we have consistently been able to remove this by providing the data above.

So, in my eyes email marketing services have a different priority than consistent delivery and this attracts a different kind of publisher. Content delivery services have delivery and whitelisting as their priority.

This isn't to say that our publishers aren't marketing to their lists. However they tend to focus more on building relationships via their content than the immediate sale. It takes a certain caliber of publisher to be willing to re-optin their lists and to forgo certain tracking features. This is why we send potential members who don't meet our strict standards to our competitor, Aweber.

(Those who are interested in the Aweber referral Dean is speaking of, you can find it on the EZezine pre-signup page at http://ezezine.com/presign.html- posting this on our site was a "ballsy" move, but we're willing to stand behind it to this day.)

This is a great question, Dean! And I hope I've done some justice to clarify my personal and my company's perspective on the matter.

Very best,

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